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Schatten Design Ukelele Pick ups
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Schatten Ukelele Pickups

New Piezo Cable Under The Saddle Pickup

vailable in one passive and two preamped models.

Introduced at the 2014 Winter NAMM show in Los Angeles, the New UKE-1 Series of ukulele pickups is now available.

Featuring great sound and real affordability, this pickup is the uke pickup to have.
The UKE-1 Series utilizes a special polymer cable piezo element for a full, rich tone.
This pickup is designed to used with a preamp, either with our Player endpin jack preamp or with our Mini Pre belt clipable preamp.
Scasshatten Design offer the UKE-1 in passive format for those players that wish to use an outboard preamp.

SDUKE1 Schatten Under the Saddle passive Ukelele pickup with end pin

UKE-1 (passive) with endpin jack

SDUKE1ACT Schatten Under the Saddle Ukelele pickup with player preamp

UKE-1 Active (with Player Endpin Jack Preamp)

SDUKE1ACTV Schatten Under the Saddle Ukelele pickup with preamp & Thumbwheel Volume control

UKE-1 Active V (with Player Endpin Jack Preamp and thumbwheel volume control)>

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