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Schatten Design Violin & Viola Pickups
 Product Code  Description
Schatten V-02 Series Violin Pickups

Models: V-02, V-02 Std, V-02 Pro
The V-02 Series gives you outstanding sound and clarity

The V-02 offers unparalleled reproduction, range and clarity of sound all wrapped up in a high quality medium density bridge. There is no false 'fatness' of sound to this series of pickups; they will give you everything that your violin has.

Thousands of players, professional and amateur alike, are simply getting the best sound that they can get out of their instruments. All V-02 models are in 4/4 size and fit a normal full sized adult violin

Available in three models
V-02- available by itself with no output jack provided
V-02 Std - The V-02 pickup with our new low profile SJA jack assembly
V-02 Pro - The V-02 pickup with our special SJAplus jack assembly with integrated volume control.

We have designed all of our pickups to operate properly and sound terrific without the use of a preamp if you are running into any 'normal' amp (guitar amp, bass amp, etc.)

SDV02 Schatten Violin Pick Up

V-02 Violin Pickup (non-terminated)
Our Original V-02 pickup ready to be fitted to your instrument.

SDV02STD Schatten Violin Pickup with SJA

V-02 Std. Pickup System
The V-02 Std. system is comprised of our V-02 pickup and our low profile SJA output jack assembly.

SDV02PRO Schatten Violin Pickup with SJA + Volume Control

V-02 Pro. Pickup System
The V-02 Pro system contains our V-02 pickup and our low profile SJA Plus output jack assembly with integrated volume control. Now you can have your sound level control handy.....right at your fingertips.

Schatten VR-Series Viola Pickups

Models: VR, VR Std, VR Pro
The VR is a full range pickup and forms the backbone of our viola pickup systems.

The response is sweet from the bottom end right up to the top. We use a high quality maple bridge of medium density that is ready for fitting and curvature. Since our single piezo sensing unit is built right into the bridge, it can not fall out or get out of position or adjustment. There is no acoustic degradation or loss of normal acoustic tone or volume.

The pickup has excellent volume, great bottom and mids....and overall, a sweet, even response
All viola pickups are available with our quick mount SJA or SJAplus (volume control) jack assemblies.

We have designed all of our pickups to operate properly and sound terrific without the use of a preamp if you are running into any 'normal' amp (guitar amp, bass amp, etc.)

If you require the added ability to be able to plug directly into a P.A. or mixer then you may wish to add one of our Preamp/DI units to your pickup system.

SDVRPL Schatten Viola Pick Up Non terminated

VR Viola Pickup (non-terminated)
Our Original VR model pickup ready to be fitted to your instrument.

SDVRSTD Schatten Viola PU w/SJA

VR Std. Pickup System
The VR Std. system is comprised of our VR pickup and our new low profile SJA output jack assembly.

SDVRPRO Schatten Viola PU w/SJA + Volume Control

VR Pro. Pickup System
The VR Pro system contains our VR pickup and our new low profile SJA Plus output jack assembly with integrated volume control. Now you can have your sound level control handy.....right at your fingertips.

Schatten VVM-Series Non-Permanent Stick-On Pickups for Violin and Viola

Non-Permanent Stick-On Pickups for Violin and Viola
The VVM Series of pickups will give you a convenient way to add a pickup to your violin or viola. These pickups were designed for quick and easy installation and removal and will provide you with a means for amplifying your instrument when you need it. When you don't need a pickup, the VVM can simply be stored away. They come complete and ready to go with no wiring, soldering or other fussing around.

Ready to Go
Installation simply means attaching the jack assembly to your instrument, applying a bit of the special supplied putty to the back of the pickup, and then sticking the pickup in place. That's about it. Total installation time for those who are all thumbs seems to average about 3 minutes.

The VVM Series of pickups comes with your choice of either our SJA jack assembly (which provides a 1/4" output jack or our SJAplus jack assembly (which provides a 1/4" output jack plus an integrated volume control). These pickups are designed to fit full size and 3/4 size violins and violas.

SDVVMSTD Schatten Vln/Vla/Mndl PU w/SJA

VVM Std.
The VVM Std. system is comprised of our VVM pickup ready to go with the new low profile SJA output jack assembly.

SDVVMPRO Schatten Vln/Vla/Mndl PU w/SJA + Volume Control

VVM Pro.
The VVM Pro system contains our VVM pickup and our new low profile SJA Plus output jack assembly with integrated volume control. Now you can have your sound level control handy.....right at your fingertips.

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