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Schatten Design
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 Guitar Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDHFNPL Schatten HFN Acoustic Passive PU
SDHFNAA Schatten HFN Acoustic Active Pickup w/preamp
SDHFNAA1 Schatten HFN Acoustic Active Pickup w/preamp + Volume Control
SDHFNAA2 Schatten HFN Acoustic Active Pickup w/preamp +2 Volume Controls
SDHFNAVT Schatten HFN Acoustic Active Pickup with player preamp and Volume and Tone thumbwheels
SDHFNCPL Schatten HFN Classical Passive Pickup
SDHFNCA Schatten HFN Classical Active Pickup with preamp
SDHFNCA1 Schatten HFN Classical Active Pickup with preamp + Volume Control
SDHFNCACT Schatten HFN Classical Pickup with player end pin and jack preamp
SDHFNCACTVT Schatten HFN Classical Pickup with player preamp and Volume and Tone Controls
SDHFNS2PL Schatten HFN S2 Passive PU
SDHFNS2A Schatten HFN S2 Maccaferri Active PU w/preamp
SDHFNS2A1 Schatten HFN S2 Maccaferri Active PU w/preamp + Volume Control
SDHFNS2A2 Schatten HFN S2 Maccaferri Active PU w/preamp + 2 Volume Controls
SDUST1PL Schatten UST-1 (Under the Saddle) passive with endpin jack
SDUST1A Schatten UST-1 (Under the Saddle) Active with Player Endpin Jack Preamp
SDUST1APL Schatten UST-1 (Under the Saddle) Active with Player Endpin Jack Preamp
SDUST1ACTVT Schatten UST-1 (Under the Saddle) Active VT with Player Endpin Jack Preamp and thumbwheel volume and tone controls
SDAT04 S Schatten Archtop Guitar Pickup
 Resonator Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDRG03A Schatten Resonator Active Pickup with preamp
SDRG03P Schatten Resonator (Dobro/National) Pickup
SDRG03STD Schatten Resonator With Jack assembly
SDRG03PRO Schatten Resonator With Jack assembly + Volume Control
SDRG03M Schatten RG-03 Pickup with Mini-Pre 2 Condendser mic, cable , endpin & Jack
SDRG03MKIT Schatten Resonator upgrade kit, Mini-Pre 2 Condendser mic, cable , endpin & Jack
SDNR2PL Schatten Passsive Resonator NR-2 (passive) with endpin jack
SDNR2A Schatten Active Resonator Guitar PU National with Preamp
SDNR2STD Schatten Passive Resonator Guitar PU National with Jack Assembly
SDNR2PRO Schatten Passive Resonator Guitar PU National with Jack Assemb and Volume control
SDTCA Schatten Tri-Cone Resonator Active PU
SDTCPL Schatten Tri-Cone Resonator Passive PU
SDTCSTD Schatten Tri-Cone Resonator W/ Jack Assembly
SDTCPRO Schatten Tri-Cone Resonator W/ Jack Assembly + Volume Control
 Soundboards Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDDI Schatten Dualie Inside PU
SDDO Schatten Dualie Outside PU
SDEP01 Schatten Economy Piezo
SDEP01J Schatten Design Soundboard Pickup - EP Series Utility transducer with endpin Jack
 Banjo Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDBJ02PL Schatten Banjo Pickup with jack asembly
SDBJ02STD Schatten Banjo PU with Rosewood jack assembly
SDBJ02PRO Schatten Banjo Pickup with ABS jack assembly and volume control
SDBJ02M Schatten BJ-02 Pickup with simple metal jack assembly, M Condenser Mic, 2 Channel Mini Pre 2, 1/4'' Stereo Connector Cable
SDBJ02MKIT Schatten BJ-02 M-Kit provides the M Condenser Mic and lead cable, 2 Channel Mini Pre 2, new 1/4'' jack and a 1/4'' Stereo Connector Cable.
 Ukelele Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDUKE1 Schatten Under the Saddle passive Ukelele pickup with end pin
SDUKE1ACT Schatten Under the Saddle Ukelele pickup with player preamp
SDUKE1ACT Schatten Under the Saddle Ukelele pickup with preamp & Thumbwheel Volume control
 Violin Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDV02PL Schatten Violin Pick Up
SDV02PRO Schatten Violin PU with SJA + Volume Control
SDV02STD Schatten Violin PU with SJA
 Viola Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDVR Schatten Viola Pick Up
SDVRPRO Schatten Viola PU with SJA + Volume Control
SDVRSTD Schatten Viola PU with SJA
 Bass Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDRB1PL Schatten Design Upright Bass Pickup
SDRB2 Schatten Design Rock-A-Billy Upright Bass Pick up with 2 Volume controls
SDRB1A Schatten Design Upright Bass Pickup with Preamp
SDRB2A Schatten Design Rock-A-Billy Upright Bass Pickup with 2 x Volume Controls & Pickup
 Bass Pickups (Old Models)
 Product Code  Description
SDB10P Schatten Upright Bass Passive PU
SDUB03 Schatten Upright Bass-03 PU
 Cello Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDC12STD Schatten Cello Pickup
 Specialty Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDVVMPRO Schatten Vln/Vla/Mndl PU w/SJA + Volume Control
SDVVMSTD Schatten Vln/Vla/Mndl PU w/SJA
 Mandolin Pickups - Stick-on - Adjustable Bridges
 Product Code  Description
SDM05STD Schatten Mandolin-05 Stick-On with SJA Jack assembly Pick Up
SDM05STDPL Schatten Mandolin-05 Stick-On with MVC Pick Up
SDM05PRO Schatten Mandolin-05 Stick-On with SJAplus Jack assembly Pickup + Volume Control
 Mandolin Pickups - For flat tops (Old Model)
 Product Code  Description
SDMTPRO Schatten Mandolin Flat Top PU w/MVC + Volume Control
 Bouzouki/Mandola/Mandolin Pickups - Stick-on - Fixed Bridges)
 Product Code  Description
SDBM1PRO Schatten Bouzouki/Mandola PU with MVC + Volume Control
SDBM1STD Schatten Bouzouki/Mandola PU with MVC
 Piano Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDP2 Schatten Piano Pickup
 Folk Instruments Pickups
 Product Code  Description
SDAD01 Schatten Autoharp Pickup
SDCH3A Schatten Celtic Harp PU w/preamp
SDD3STD Schatten Dulcimer Pickup
 Schatten Preamps
 Product Code  Description
SDAPA Schatten Artist 2 Endpin Jack Preamp
SDAPA1 Schatten Artist 2 Endpin Jack Preamp + Volume Control
SDAPA2 Schatten Artist 2 Endpin Jack Preamp + 2 Volume Controls
SDMINI-PRE Schatten Miniature Acoustic Instrument Preamp with Volume control and belt clipable
SDMINI-PRE2 Schatten Miniature Acoustic Instrument Preamp with Volume control and belt clipable With 2 Channels configurable for 2 Pickups or 1 pickup and 1 Mic
SDPLPA Schatten Design Endpin Jack Preamp (Single Channel)
SDPLPA2 Schatten Design Player Endpin Jack Preamp with Volume and Tone Control
SDDIPA Schatten DI+ Preamp (Single Channel) Outboard
SDDIPAM Schatten PDI Preamp Max (Two Channel) Outboard
 Schatten Jack Accessories and Volume Control
 Product Code  Description
SDMVC Schatten MVC Jack Assembly
SDMVCplus Schatten MVC Jack Assembly with Volume Control
SDT1 Schatten Single Thumb Wheel Volume Control
SDT2 Schatten Dual Thumb Wheel Volume Control
SDBB01 Schatten Black Box Volume Control
SDNBJA Schatten Rosewood Banjo Jack Assembly
SDNBJAplus Schatten Black ABS Banjo Jack Asmbl + VC
SDSJA Schatten Jack Assembly
SDSJAplus Schatten Jack Assembly + Volume Control
 Schatten Cables & Accessories
 Product Code  Description
SDRP1 Schatten Remote Battery Box accessory for Phantom Power
SDCAB1 Schatten XLR to 1/4"" Stereo Cable 10ft
SDEJG Schatten Endpin Jack Gold
 Schatten luthiery
 Product Code  Description
SDLCWM Schatten coil winding Machine
SDL42G Schatten 42 Gauge Wire 1/2 Pound Spool
SDL43G Schatten 43 Gauge Wire 1/2 Pound Spool
SDL44G Schatten 44 Gauge Wire 1/2 Pound Spool
SDLMPT Schatten Multiple Puller Tool
SDLB Schatten Book of Standard Wiring Diagrams
SDPT Schatten Polarity Tester
SDS2TK Schatten S2 Selmer Tool Kit

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